Getting Started

Follow this step-by-step guide to be on your way to using Postcards4VA to engage with Virginia voters.

Create Your Account

Create Your Account to get addresses.

Confirm Your Email Address

An email will be sent with a link you can use to complete the verification process. If you have lost the email or the link has expired, you can resend the confirmation email from your Profile page.

Start Contacting Voters!

Go to My Addresses! (see menu bar above) and select a campaign and quantity of addresses. You will be presented with the program's instructions and required script, as well as the voters' names and addresses.

If you want to print or save your addresses, the easiest way is to click the "Save As PDF" button on the address bundle page. To print, open the downloaded PDF and print it from your computer.

Rules for Every Postcard Program

Hand write the required text legibly and in print on each postcard. Not everyone can read cursive writing, so please write in print.

Think of your postcard as a smile you are sending another person. Our postcards show there are real people out there volunteering their time and money to help protect our Democracy.

Have fun with different colored markers or highlighters to make your postcards stand out.

Sign your first name or initials, followed by "Volunteer". Do not include your return address, email address, last name, or social media handle or account name.

Do not write anything other than the address in the address area. It confuses the postal scanners.

PROOFREAD your postcard. Pay particular attention to the candidate name, recipient name & address, and election details.
Mail all postcards by the provided deadline.
Shred and/or delete addresses when completed.

COVER recipient names & addresses before taking any photos of your completed postcards.

If you are unable to complete all your addresses, email before the deadline - and include the following:

  • Your Address Bundle Number
  • Which Addresses, if any, were completed.
  • Email subject line: RETURNING ADDRESSES for Bundle # "name of campaign"